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Holiday Drain Cleaning Tips
Jun 21,2023

Holiday Drain Cleaning Tips

It's a time for joy, celebration, and spending time with loved ones throughout the holidays. The last thing you want, though, is a blocked drain or other plumbing emergency to spoil the fun. It's crucial to take precautionary measures to keep your drains clean and steer clear of any unpleasant shocks to ensure smooth sailing over the holidays.

In this blog post, our professionals from Mr. Rooter Plumbing will discover some useful holiday drain cleaning advice that can prevent any plumbing issues.

Mindful Disposal Practices

Food scraps, cooking oils, and grease are simple to flush down the drain at holiday parties and feasts. These compounds, however, can easily cause jams and obstructions. Cooking grease and oils should be disposed of in approved containers or when they have solidified, in the garbage. To stop food particles from building up in the drains, make sure to properly scrape plates and utensils before rinsing them in the sink.

Use Drain Strainers

Invest in drain strainers or screens to stop hair, food particles, and other garbage from entering your drains. These straightforward, low-cost tools can successfully stop blockages from forming. Put them over the drains of your kitchen sink, bathtub, and shower to trap larger debris while allowing water to flow freely. The strainers should be cleaned and emptied frequently to remain functional.

Be Mindful of What You Flush

Be careful what you flush down the toilet since even small debris can clog the pipes and harm your plumbing system. Items like sanitary products, wipes, cotton balls, and paper towels should not be flushed because they can easily become caught in the pipes. To guarantee proper plumbing operation throughout the holidays and beyond, limit your flushing to toilet paper and human waste only.

Hot Water & Baking Soda

Using a solution of hot water and baking soda is one of the simplest and most efficient ways to keep drains clean. Pour a cup of baking soda and then a pot of boiling water down the drain. Baking soda with hot water's chemical interaction aids in the oxidation of dirt and the removal of small blockages. To maintain clean and fragrant drains, repeat this technique frequently.

Vinegar & Lemon Juice Solution

A vinegar and lemon juice combination is another all-natural and sustainable drain cleaning method. Acidic substances like vinegar and lemon juice aid in the dissolution of grease, drain deodorization, and mineral deposit removal. Pour a solution made up of equal parts vinegar and lemon juice down the drain and let it sit for around 30 minutes. Use hot water to rinse away any leftovers thereafter. This technique works very well for getting rid of drain odors that are not pleasant.

Schedule Professional Drain Cleaning

Even though DIY techniques are useful for routine drain upkeep, sometimes it's necessary to hire professionals. Your drains may be thoroughly inspected and cleaned by a professional plumber or plumbing firm, ensuring that any obstinate obstructions or possible problems are dealt with. Professional drain cleaning gives you peace of mind during the holiday season by not only unclogging any existing obstructions but also by helping to avoid any blockages.

Need a Reliable Company?

Are you in need of a plumbing service? Luckily, we at Mr. Rooter Plumbing have dedicated workers ready at your service. Contact our representatives for more questions.

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